How to Plan a Company Christmas Party

Christmas party venue in Los angeles

We’re getting back into holiday season once again and it’s time to start planning for company holiday parties. The holidays tend to be a stressful time of year for many people, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan accordingly. Whether you’re looking for company Christmas party ideas on a budget or how to plan a company Christmas party in general, you came to the right place. We are experts on how to plan corporate events and wanted to put together some tips and tricks to make your life a little easier.

Company Christmas Party Checklist

1. Set a Budget

The first thing you will need to do is set a budget. Holiday parties are where companies tend to go all out for their employees, so having a realistic budget in mind that you want to stick to is helpful. This can be an expensive time of year in general too with many venues being rented out and people hosting a wide range of events for the holiday season. We suggest starting with an overall budget, and then breaking it down into smaller categories to make it easier to track and manage how much you are spending.

2. Choose a Venue

So you may be wondering how to book an event venue, and you will want to start by picking a few that are within your budget and that you would like to tour. This will help give you an idea of what the space will look like for your event, and you can compare the price to everything the venue has to offer as a corporate party venue. You will want to consider all of your needs when touring. Are you looking for small music venues in Los Angeles? You’ll want to consider whether they have a stage, surround sound, lighting, and so forth. When it comes to holiday party venues in Los Angeles, we at Ovation Square have one of the best to offer in downtown Long Beach.

3. Decide on a Date and Time

Next, you’ll want to decide on a date and a time. This is important to coordinate with the venue of your choosing since this time of year is significantly busy. You’ll want to ensure they have a date available that works on your end too. You’ll want to make sure you send out invitations well ahead of time so guests have time to coordinate their calendars and arrange for any child care necessary for the evening.

4. Create a Theme

Then you’ll want to create a theme for your party to plan all of the décor and details around. There are so many fun options when it comes to the holidays, your possibilities are endless. You could do winter wonderland, dressing up as a holiday character, glitter and gold, plaid, whatever you and your company see fit. This can be a really fun way to include employees for ideas and have everyone in the company vote on a theme.

5.Food and Beverages

Next, you’ll want to decide on food and beverages. They should tie into your theme and should be easily accessible all night for guests. There’s nothing worse than hungry guests at a party. Great options for dining at bigger gatherings would be buffet style or cocktail waiters who walk around with hors d’oeuvres all night. If you are planning a more intimate holiday company party, then you may want to consider a seated dinner.

6. Entertainment

Finally, you’ll want to decide on entertainment. Will you have live music or a DJ? Will there be games for guests to partake in? Will you be doing gift giveaways? Do you want a photobooth or photo backdrop? These are all things you will want to consider when it comes to keeping guests entertained all night long.

The next time you’re looking for an event space rental in Los Angeles, we hope you give us a call. We would be more than happy to help you plan your company Christmas party.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can you help me plan the theme?
A: Of course. We can help plan and coordinate any part of the party planning process; we have an entire event planning team in-house.

Q: How far in advance should I send invitations out?
A: We suggest 6 weeks in advance if not more so that guests have plenty of time to plan and coordinate.

Q: Can I negotiate the price with a venue?
A: You can, however, this time is notoriously busy and venues may not be willing to budge on pricing since demand is high this time of year.


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